Regatta Protects Patrons with Drinking Water-Grade Technologies – Saves Time and Money

Regatta Protects Patrons with Drinking Water-Grade Technologies – Saves Time and Money

Regatta at Vanderbilt Beach wanted to upgrade it’s aging mechanical packages for the Main Lagoon Pool, Spa Pool and Kiddie Pool.  Then made a series of good moves. The first was to contact Jackson Pools of Naples to get a game plan. Jackson worked with CES to put together an affordable, state-of-the-art package that would provide it’s patrons the finest possible water quality, while protecting them from harmful irritants and organisms. The system also had to operate at a fraction of the costs of all the neighbors, thus making it a win-win for all involved. Mission Accomplished! How did we do it? 

By using special pumps and controls, permanent filters, glass media, and all-in-one chemicals.

Under the hood, the system consisted of several different technologies:

  • Pumps: Jackson selected high efficiency CES pumps that are also powered by CES’s PFDx energy saving pump controllers. These provide DIRECT control of pool flow to EXACT Department of Health (DOH) requirements. The result? When filters are clean, pumps are operating at less than 35-50% of normal power… while holding code-required flow rates.
  • Filters: Jackson provided and installed CES’s AMF Permanent media filters equipped with single lever backwash. No tedious cleaning of cartridges or DE disks here! A simple turn of the lever, and less than 2-minutes later, the filters are clean and ready to go for up to several weeks. 
  • Filter Media: Regatta opted for CES AFM™ Activated Glass Filter Media instead of regular sand. Not only are they using 50% of normal backwash water, but the glass provides drinking water-grade filtration. Made from 98% B&G recycled glass which is activated during manufacturing process, the media is permanent, and the activation process is recharged automatically with every backwash. 
  • Controls: Jackson used CES’s popular Precision MR2 Communicating Control System that provides reliable pinpoint control of water chemistry with remote control. The MR2s log all readings and alert the service company and Regatta staff of any out-of-range condition BEFORE it can become an issue. The systems are monitored and/or operated from the CES offices in Jupiter, the Regatta maintenance office, or any smart phone or tablet carried by the service company or CES technicians.
  • Chemical treatment: The systems utilize an All-in-One Pulsar Infinity feeder which provides all the chlorine, calcium, and alkalinity requirements of the pool and spa water while using 1/10th of the muriatic acid of traditional bleach systems. So you can protect the pool finish, keep the bathers in pristine pool water, and save money… in one convenient tablet system.

This entire package was installed for the SAME PRICE as the direct replacement of the more antiquated pool technology at Regatta which required labor intensive filter cleaning, full power pumping costs, and no remote control and alert notification. Jackson and CES were happy to be able to meet the challenge, and Regatta is REALLY happy we did.

Do you have a similar upgrade in your future? Contact your CES rep to see how simple and surprisingly affordable a pool modernization can be.

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