Guerilla Professional Pool Management Seminar ©
CILB Approved for 2 CE Credits
CAM Approved for 2 CE Credits
CAM Approved for 1 CE Credit – Remote Live Learning Only
Part I Objectives
The Guerilla pool management course is designed to give building, condominium managers and maintenance supervisors a strong foundation in swimming pool management techniques. The emphasis is placed on identification of the major factors behind successful pool/spa operation, necessary instrumentation and paperwork required to monitor these factors and skills to interpret findings and supervise corrective actions.
Attendees will learn to:
- Recognize important aspects of Florida Department of Health 64-E9 Swimming Pool Code and how it applies to the facility swimming pool.
- Recognize important aspects of water balance and pool chemistry and apply them to daily building management procedures.
- List, document and supervise required instrumentation of hydraulic and filtration systems and integrate them into daily building management procedures.
- Recognize and explain pertinent variables behind determining and controlling pool-heating costs.
- Recognize important aspects of technical spec. writing when entering into major swimming pool purchases.
- Explain basic procedures used when evaluating and solving common swimming pool related problems
Students shall be able to relate all the above to daily management and supervision of swimming pools and spas.
Part II Teaching Methods
Teaching methods is a combination of lecture and active student participation. The instructor uses open-ended questions, multiple choice and analogies to everyday equipment (cars, household appliance, etc.) to demonstrate technical aspects of the material. Teaching methods is tailored to class size, experience, and expertise level.
Part III Course Evaluation
Students will be given a short multiple-choice test (5-10 questions) at the conclusion of the class. The questions will be simple yet will allow the instructor to assess the student’s comprehension of the major topics of the class. Emphasis will be placed on the students ability to provide proper management and supervisory skills.
Part IV Source Documents
The instructors personal experience is used throughout the course. The instructor relates previous experience in operating water quality programs on thousands of premier Florida pools, spas, therapy pools, waterparks and water features. Experience is helpful in allowing the instructor to give examples, demostrate similar situations and apply these techniques to question and answer periods.
Part V Instructors
The instructors have over 15 years direct experience in the operation of water quality programs throughout the state of Florida and the Caribbean.
For more information about class schedules and locations, please call 800-940-1557.