It appears that some colder weather is finally on the horizon, and we all know what is going to happen next… cold pools.
Cold pools bring some challenges for pool owners and operators, and here are a few tips to help your season go a bit smoother.
Be Proactive: If you haven’t already done so, have your team fire up any dormant heaters right away. If they don’t light up, or sound like they are working correctly, please contact us as soon as possible, so that we can take care of you while the pools are still a little warm.
Getting Warmed up?: Most pool heaters have been off since last May. What happens when you turn them on for the first time? Sometimes Nothing! Ignitors won’t ignite, burners won’t burn, and the heaters just don’t heat. If they do fire up, they’ll burn much more fuel than normal and tear up your budget.
An ounce of prevention: Heaters require annual maintenance, and a clean heater heats quicker and uses less fuel. CES offers a wide variety of special PM programs specially tailored to your size and model. Contact us to schedule a Heater PM service, and you’ll save tenfold over the coming months.
Check your Delta T: Check the Delta T (the difference in temperature of the water entering and leaving your heaters) to make sure that they are working efficiently. A set of monitoring thermometers is a great addition to your system if not already there. The proper DeltaT on heat pump pool heaters depends on the brand or even size, but should be between 3-6F (check your manual). If the DeltaT is too high or too low, you can adjust the heater valve to bring it to the desired range.
How About Gas Heaters?: On gas heaters, 3-6 DeltaT is too low, and means that the water might be moving too fast. This can cause very expensive damage to your unit. Adjust the amount of water entering your heater to reach a more normal DeltaT of 8-12F (depending on brand and model).
How about boiler-types?: Boilers are different. To achieve high efficiency, they recycle a loop of water up to 130F, and then syphon off that heat into the pool return line.
These heaters will last for years, but you can destroy them pretty quickly by not maintaining them with proper annual care. Even the newest high efficiency heaters should be looked at before each heating season to assure they are tuned up and ready to go.
Keep the heat in: Are you spending too much to heat your pools? Are you tired of seeing steam rising from an unused pool overnight? There is one sure solution to saving 66% of your annual heating costs: a custom-fitted pool cover will last you over 10 years, and could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in heating costs.
Already have a cover? If you already have a CES cover and have been saving energy, this is a great time to open them up and put them on the pool. Are there any sections that are due for replacement? Let us know, and we can supply a quote, working with your original drawings… quick and easy. It is also a good time to check and see that winder rollers have been lubricated, and that the cord sets and ropes are intact. If not, please contact us for a quick service to get them in top shape.
The bottom line is that heaters and covers require some preventive maintenance (PM), and PM gets overlooked in the hustle and bustle of everyday pool operation. But without PM, heaters break more expensively and take longer to fix, and covers that are in disrepair don’t seem to get used, so your heating costs can go sky high.
CES stands ready to help keep you in warm water, but we need your help… as many heater companies close for the holidays, and also reduce their stock – so less parts are available.