Special Offer: Vote for the 2020 Health Code Changes. Join CMAHC until 2023 get a free gift.

Special Offer: Vote for the 2020 Health Code Changes. Join CMAHC until 2023 get a free gift.

The Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) is rapidly becoming a tremendous resource for health departments nationally, and also in some states…even becoming the official health code. The MAHC is unique as it was written and is reviewed by folks like us, and is updated every 3 years, by popular vote, to keep pace with the rapidly changing times and with all technological advances. Typical state health codes, even in progressive states such as Florida, are having an increasingly difficult time processing code changes during these trying times.  In some states sometimes the code changes might not even make sense to facility operators. 

The Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code (CMAHC) was created to partner with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to manage updates to, and promote voluntary adoption of the MAHC. The CMAHC is unique in that no other organization exists exclusively to advocate, evolve, innovate, promote implementation, organize research, and advise CDC on needed updates to the MAHC. 

We are asking you to join the CMAHC today if you haven’t already joined, and be a part of the future of public health. CES and many others are strong supporters of CMAHC.  We even have donated our efforts to the CMAHC board, and during the original code writing. 

The MAHC is kept sustainable, current, and complete because the people who use it also develop, discuss, and vote on proposed changes through membership in the CMAHC. These proposed changes are submitted to CDC as advice on how the MAHC needs to change to keep up with the latest science and best practices. So, the CMAHC is supported in part by your membership, and relies on your involvement and your vote.

Right now, the voting process has begun for the 2020 code update, any you’ll have until December 12th to vote. The next voting cycle will be in 2023. In the 2020 update there are lots of very important items that are up for vote, including:

  • CYA stabilizer levels 
  • Slip resistance on shallow pools and decks
  • Indoor air quality
  • UL certification requirement on certain pool equipment
  • Water clarity guidelines
  • Handrails and stairs
  • Underwater ledges
  • Flotation tanks

Special offer #1: If you join now, you will not only get to vote on the current updates, but your membership will be good all the way THROUGH and INCLUDING the 2023 vote.

Special offer #2: If you sign up now, we will send you this awesome lightweight phone/tablet cradle. These sturdy little items have been a Godsend during the new “Zoom” era.

Thanks for your involvement in the CMAHC.  Join CES and many CES customers in voting for some common sense upgrades to the MAHC – already the finest code in the industry, and getting better every day…. thanks to you.

Stay Safe


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