If you’re using other types of Chlorine, you may need to pay very close attention to the media stories about 35% price increases and shortages, as NBC, CNN, and most major news outlets have been pounding the US with these messages for the past month. Many states are reporting major shortages of several types of Chlorine, and the price increases are the real deal. Besides raising prices, even Home Depot and many others are limiting purchases to help avoid hoarding. It’s the Pandemic Toilet Paper Travesty all over again.
But, if you are one of the many loyal CES customers who have been using our Pulsar “All-in-One” chemical – some for decades, the factory recently announced that due to proper anticipation by CES and their factory planners, there will be no shortages, and no35% increase. There may be some very very minor delays as gasoline shortages have upset the shipping world this week, but you’ll probably never notice as we had bumped up our inventory in anticipation of an issue. There is, however, going to be a minor 3% increase in Pulsar pricing, effective immediately, and running until further notice.
That doesn’t mean that there are no rules. We have implemented an anti-hoarding plan to help maintain this carefully planned period of smooth sailing for our customers.
A sure supply and a stable price aren’t the only reasons why more customers are switching to the largest selling Cal Hypo system in the world. Pulsar customers enjoy the convenience of a tablet, and one that provides Chlorine, Calcium, Alkalinity, and Stain Prevention in one safe and effective feed package… a true All-in-One solution. At CES, we love it because, using the Pulsar chemistry, it is virtually impossible to ruin a heater, or prematurely destroy a pool finish or grout due to aggressive water. By virtue of feeding Chlorine, the Pulsar chemical compound provides proper water balance, compensating for the low calcium and alkalinity levels normally found in the city water supply that fills your pool…. a documented pool finish killer. Pulsar also continually shock-treats the pool water, helping keep skin and eye irritation at bay, and helping make pool closures for periodic shocking a thing of the past. Pulsar users also require 1/10 the muriatic acid of most bleach counterparts, which saves a lot of extra time and money (and acid fumes).
Want to join the fun? Take advantage of new low maintenance feeders, great new no cost conversion plans, and water management programs to help make your Pulsar implementation smooth and easy.
Contact your CES Rep for more details.