Things are tough all over. If you start totaling up all the unprecedented issues of today – including supply chain issues, product delays and shortages, price increases, labor shortages, patron impatience and irritability, and the ability to afford the gas to get to work… today’s pool operator will surely circle the 2021-2022 calendar and say these might be the toughest times ever.
It seems like we’re being asked to do more with fewer resources, and that the margin for error is less than ever.
We’re proud to announce that CES’s Global Pool Management (GPM)monitoring and control technology is helping customers streamline operations across the US. How? The affordable GPM program is helping customers connect directly with their pool’s vital signs, maintain tight control over chemical and energy costs, maintain better record keeping and DOH code compliance, and assisting in streamlining pool care requirements. This has helped customers in many ways:
- Lowering Chemical Costs: It’s a proven fact that the tighter the chemical control, the fewer chemicals customers will use. A higher pH level can double pool chlorination needs, and at unprecedented high prices for chemicals, using less is normally a top priority for most customers.
- Lowering Labor Requirements:There is no need to babysit your pool and use more manpower than necessary. Customers on the GPM program merely maintain their daily DOH-required pool test, check a few pool room items for compliance, and go about their day. They can check their pool often using their smart phone app, or better yet get alerted if any parameter starts getting close to contributing to an issue or a DOH violation.
- Overseeing the Entire Pool Operation: Using GPM and a CES mechanical room controller provides a complete overview of the pool. Is the pump working to DOH guidelines? Do the filters need cleaning? Are we using too much (or too little) water? Is there too much rain water in the pool? Are the chemical vats low? No other system offers the wide range of information and control to help operators streamline their daily operations.
- Preventive Maintenance (PM) to the Rescue: Using GPM and one of the factory-recommended (or mandated) PM programs, customers have proven to cut their pool equipment ownership and replacement costs dramatically. As an example, heaters that are maintained annually use less gas and work better for longer. They last up to double the time that neglected heaters do, and cost less to maintain and repair. Some folks used to think that PM programs COST money, but actually they have been proven to SAVE money. PM customers also pay less for all CES equipment and service, and are handled proactively and quicker than those that wait for things to break.
- Find a Problem and Fix it Now: The GPM program gave birth to a new phenomenon CES-CyberService™. What is it? Easy… you are alerted of an issue, get in touch with one of our Jupiter-based service team, and we get online with your system to diagnose and more often than not help resolve an issue right away. There’s less down time, no need to wait for a resolution, no waiting for a service call, and customers save both time and money.
GPM is not new, as CES has been monitoring customer’s pools for over 30-years. It is just that recent technological advancements have taken the service to new levels of information handling and support.
Find out how one of three GPM programs can help. Join thousands of CES customers that have streamlined their operations, and are using a minimum of time, money, labor, and chemicals, while providing the maximum DOH code compliance and liability avoidance.
Contact your CES rep to see if you can put GPM to work for you. We’ll gladly provide an on-site assessment of your system, and highlight any potential ways to make life easier.
Stay safe.