In the 1980s a local condominium managers association was looking to get trained on how to best operate their pools. They wanted to learn how to best direct their in house staff, and how to get the most out of their subcontracted pool service companies. They wanted to avoid liability, and they didn’t have a lot of time or patience for long-winded or fluffy explanations.
A few had become aware of our training programs for the local municipal pools and water parks and approached CES about putting together a no-nonsense course that would be tailored for smaller pools. This was a piece of cake, since Health Codes and best operating practices on pools are the same regardless of pool size. They said… short, to the point, and no fluff. Got it.
So we developed and received approval for the Guerrilla Professional Pool Management™ Course. We taught it, they liked it, and encouraged us to “take it on the road” to other associations around the state. To date the Guerrilla class has been taught in hundreds of locations including management associations, universities, management companies, industry conferences and more.
What is the Guerrilla Course? It is a one to two-hour seminar that covers the Florida Department of Health’s 47 requirements for pool operation, along with the Rule of 10s — top ten guidelines for proper operation. To comply with the no-nonsense, no-fluff requirement…we adopted a military-style boot camp approach of simple, direct, and to the point guidelines. We might have gone too far, originally teaching the class in military fatigues… which caused a few tense moments with the security guards at the local university. The shenanigans have passed, but the class has endured for over 35 years… becoming a favorite among both managers and operators. When the CDC’s Model Aquatic Health Code was released, now considered a national best practice guideline for pool operation, we upgraded the Guerrilla Class with a quick side-by-side comparison of the Florida Heath Code and the MAHC to allow the student to learn the best of both worlds.
When travel was limited during the Pandemic, we took the class online using our modern (LMS) learning format that includes videos, flash cards, connect-the-dots, short quizzes, and more. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) also approved the class for credit hours toward the renewal of a Condominium Manager’s (CAM) or pool contractor or service (CILB) license.
We are proud to announce the official launch of the Guerrilla Class, and are offering a coupon that covers 100% of the course cost… yes FREE. To take advantage of this special offer simply:
- Simply log on to ces.learnupon.com
- Scroll down and Click “add” on “Guerrilla Professional Pool Management™ Program”
- Click “Proceed to Cart”, then “checkout” and
- Click “have coupon code” and enter the 100% off coupon – CESGuerrillaPreview100
- Take the class and receive a certificate of completion at the end.
Thanks for your decades of loyal support, and please let us know if there is anything we can do to support your on-site pool operation.