CES launches Online ORP Class – now in CES U – First 50 students get 75% off coupon – CESORP75

CES launches Online ORP Class – now in CES U – First 50 students get 75% off coupon – CESORP75

It’s here, finally. CES U is proud to announce the 1st (of many) online courses using a modern LMS (Learning Management System) format. It uses videos, downloads,  flash cards, and other interactive learning methods to help make sure that you fully understand the topic. Good thing, why?

The first class covers ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential).  Sure, let your eyes glass over… but ORP is the science behind how your CES chemical controller “controls” chlorine, and is required on many DOH bodies of water. It is also easily misunderstood by operators and managers, or in this case quickly understood.  Those who understand ORP best, have a easier time running their pool with fewer issues.

CES has provided a lecture version of this same ORP course to hundreds of Health Departments Inspectors around Florida, Pool Service Companies, Condominium Managers Building Managers, and Pool Operators. But now this class comes to you.  The same class has also been featured in many conferences including UPSA (United Pool & Spa), FSPA (Florida Spa & Pool), Florida Park & Recreation, Condominium Assn, etc.

Signing up and taking the course is easy:

1: Simply log on to ces.learnupon.com

2: Scroll down and Click “add” on “Understanding (ORP) Oxidation Reduction Potential”

3: Click “Proceed to Cart”, then “checkout” and 

4: Click “have coupon code” and enter the 75% off coupon – CESORP75 – valid for the 1st 50 students

You can complete the class at your own pace, repeating sections as needed…. and really learn everything you need to know about ORP.

The system automatically collects payment and processes coupons , keeps track of  your progress with the course and quizzes, and even sends you your certificate when completed.

You may also receive continuing education hours for your Pool Construction and Pool Service (CILB) or Condominium Manager (CAM) licenses – in process.

Please contact us with any questions or comments… and let us know if we can help you in any way. Then fully enjoy knowing how to best work your control system. Note: this class does not supercede our great hands-on instruction from your CES pool technician, but gives you a simple to understand format to learn on your own.

Thanks for your long-term loyalty, and please let us know what we can do to assist.

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