Aqua Magazine Highlights 3 CES Trends in June Issue

Aqua Magazine Highlights 3 CES Trends in June Issue

CES has a huge focus on both commercial and institutional pools and on education, as you know. Sometimes those educational classes attract contractors who are looking for Continuing Education Credits, and who work on both commercial AND residential pools. Also, sometimes the residential pools that they work on are actually bigger and more complex than some of the commercial pools built these days. So, when contractors are looking for equipment and technologies that will provide better solutions than typical backyard stuff, they will attend these classes.

Recently one of these educational classes attracted the editor of Aqua Magazine – a leading resource for the pool industry. He wanted to write an article featuring 3 of the technologies discussed in detail during the class, and wanted to classify them as “crossover” technologies. 

The article appeared in the June issue and is titled “Three Commercial Pool Crossovers – Major pool technologies that have made the transition from industrial/commercial to residential – and seem poised for growth in the 2020s”

All three of the featured technologies: Sand Filtration with Activated Glass Media, Interactive Chemistry Control, and Variable Speed Pumping, have been tried and true strategies for CES customers. With over 7,000 applications over the past four decades, there is a tremendous track record and billions of points of pool data, providing great facts about the savings. Properly designed and applied technologies work.

CES customers are enjoying crystal clear water with a bare minimum of staffing, maintenance, and chemicals, and are saving millions of dollars of water, chemical, power, and labor each an every year. 

Contact us to see if any of these crossover technologies might provide a self-funding solution for your facility.

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